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TNRD Kamloops Region

This page contains an online directory of Tourism businesses and services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of interest to people in the region.

See also these related directory pages; Fishing Resorts, Ranches, Sports & Recreation ... or see our full web site directory.

Add your web site to our directory.

BC Backcountry Adventures
Clearwater Tourism - BC Backcountry Adventures BC Backcountry Adventures -
Professional wilderness guiding in Wells Gray Park; one of British Columbia's primary destinations for outdoor adventure & wildlife viewing.

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BC Wildlife Park
Kamloops Tourism - BC Wildlife Park BC Wildlife Park -
The BC Wildlife Park is operated by a not-for-profit Society dedicated to interpretation and conservation of BC wildlife and their habitats.

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Bridge River Fishing Grounds & Cultural Tours
Lillooet Tourism - Bridge River Fishing Grounds & Cultural Tours Bridge River Fishing Grounds & Cultural Tours -
Come visit the Bridge River Fishing Grounds, and experience the past & present fishing area of the St低t段mc People. Learn about the traditional wind-dried method of preserving the salmon still used by its people... also take part in a tour of an extensive archaeological site which contains over 80 identified ancient pit houses that date back thousands of years.

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Clearwater Lake Tours
Clearwater Tourism - Clearwater Lake Tours Clearwater Lake Tours -
Come and explore the incredible lakes of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Wells Gray Provincial Park is the third largest park in the province, and offers some of the most spectacular untouched wilderness scenery in the world.

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Discover Thompson-Nicola
Thompson-Nicola Tourism - Discover Thompson-Nicola Discover Thompson-Nicola -
The Thompson-Nicola Regional District, over 45,000 square kilometers of breathtaking scenery and boundless opportunities for both personal and business growth. Located in the heart of British Columbia, centered by the City of Kamloops surrounded by dozens of smaller communities scattered throughout vast regions. If you are seeking or just researching relocation, investment or recreational opportunities, give us a look.

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Fraser Canyon Tourism Info
Fraser Canyon Tourism - Fraser Canyon Tourism Info Fraser Canyon Tourism Info -
Fraser Canyon,
The Fraser Canyon has among the most breathtaking scenery in British Columbia. There are gorgeous landscapes, jagged cliffs, pristine lakes, spectacular vistas, tons of history, and much more. The Fraser Canyon provides some of British Columbia's best outdoor adventures, family attractions, extreme sports, and historic sight-seeing.

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Hell's Gate Airtram
Boston Bar Tourism - Hell's Gate Airtram Hell's Gate Airtram -
Boston Bar,
See the Fraser Canyon where 1,100 miles of the Fraser River is squeezed into a 110 foot wide thundering passage appropriately named Hell's Gate. 200 million gallons of heart stopping rapids hammer through here, which was why Hell's Gate was journaled as being Simon Fraser's greatest challenge.

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Hello BC
BC Tourism - Hello BC Hello BC -
Hello BC is the official web site of Tourism British Columbia, the Province of British Columbia. This site promotes Travel, Tourism, Accommodations, Activities, Festivals and Events, and much more.

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Kamloops Art Gallery
Kamloops Tourism - Kamloops Art Gallery Kamloops Art Gallery -
The Kamloops Art Gallery is the principal Gallery for the visual arts in the Southern Interior of BC, and is committed to art as an essential part of the human experience and therefore exhibits, collects, documents, preserves, encourages, and interprets regional, national, and international art in all media.

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Kamloops Steam Rail Tours
Kamloops Tourism - Kamloops Steam Rail Tours Kamloops Steam Rail Tours -
The Spirit of Kamloops' has been fully restored to once again work the rails and offer passengers a journey back to the golden age of steam-powered railway travel.

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Kettle Valley Railway
Southern BC & Okanagan Tourism - Kettle Valley Railway Kettle Valley Railway -
Southern BC & Okanagan,
The Kettle Valley Railway showcases a unique part of Southern BC & Okanagan Valley history. Built during 1910- 1915, the KVR 適ootenay to Coast Connection� helped power BC's pioneer fruit industry to world markets, transported families on vacations and errands; and created employment, hobos and stories that will be with us forever.

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Tourism Kamloops
Kamloops Tourism - Tourism Kamloops Tourism Kamloops -
For information on attractions, activities and events in the Kamloops region.

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Wells Gray Tours Ltd
Kamloops Tourism - Wells Gray Tours Ltd Wells Gray Tours Ltd -
Wells Gray Tours has been in business since 1972, and since then, the company has grown to become one of British Columbia's largest tour operators. Tours now depart year round, and are not limited to just Wells Gray Park, but North America and international destinations are featured, with exciting itineraries that range from one to 30 days.

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This page contains a directory of Tourism businesses and services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of interest to the region. For the purposes of this web site, listings from the following regions can be included in this directory; Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Chase, Clearwater, Clinton, Kamloops, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton, Merritt, Princeton, 100 Mile House, and the other smaller communities located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola regional district. Click here to add your web site to our directory.
