This page contains an online directory of First Nations businesses and services
located in and around
the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of interest to people in the region.
Add your web site to our directory.
Bridge River Band |
Bridge River Band -
The Bridge River Band is located in the beautiful mountains of British Columbia
within the St'át'imc Nation. The Xwisten community is located 11 kilometers
northwest of the town Lillooet. |
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Fountain Band |
Fountain Band -
The Fountain Band (also known as Xaxli’p) is a First Nations government located
about 10 miles (15 km) from the Village Lillooet on Highway 99. |
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Kamloops Band |
Kamloops Band -
Located east of the North Thompson River and north of the South Thompson River,
adjacent to the City of Kamloops, the 33,000-acre Reserve, also known as the Sproat Reserve, supports a variety of uses including residential, industrial,
commercial and agricultural. |
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Lil’wat Nation |
Lil’wat Nation -
Mount Currie,
The Lil’wat Nation is beautiful land of striking mountains and glaciers,
fertile valleys, alpine meadows, and cold clean streams and lakes... the
territory extends south to Rubble Creek, north to just below Anderson Lakes,
east to the Upper Stein Valley and west to the coastal inlets of the Pacific
Ocean. The current day community of Mount Currie is the heart of the Lil’wat
Nation territory. |
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Lower Nicola Band |
Lower Nicola Band -
The Lower Nicola Indian Band belongs to the Swxexmx (“People of the Creeks”)
branch of the Nlaka’pamux Nation of the Interior Salish peoples of British
Columbia. |
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Nicola Valley Institute of
Technology |
Nicola Valley Institute of
Technology -
The Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) is an Aboriginal
governed public post-secondary institute formed as a private institute in
1983 by the Coldwater, Nooaitch, Shackan, Upper Nicola and Lower Nicola
Bands of the Nicola Valley. |
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Secwepemc Culture and Education
Society |
Secwepemc Culture and
Education Society -
The Secwepemc People, known by non-natives as the Shuswap, are a Nation of 17
bands occupying the south-central part of the Province of British Columbia. |
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Shuswap Nation Tribal Council |
Shuswap Nation Tribal
Council -
The Shuswap Nation Tribal Council, also known as the SNTC, was formed in 1980
as an effort of the Secwepemc chiefs to advance the issues of aboriginal rights. |
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St'át imc Chiefs Council |
St'át imc Chiefs Council -
The Shuswap Nation Tribal Council, also known as the SNTC, was formed in 1980
as an effort of the Secwepemc chiefs to advance the issues of aboriginal rights. |
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Upper Nicola Band |
Upper Nicola Band -
Nicola Valley,
Upper Nicola Band is located 45 km east of Merritt and 90 km south of Kamloops,
British Columbia, Canada. The People of Upper Nicola Band, with unity and
respect of our traditional values are creating the environment that promotes a
higher quality of life for all. |
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This page contains a directory of First Nations businesses and
services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of
interest to the region. For the purposes of this
web site, listings from the following regions can be included in this
directory; Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Chase, Clearwater,
Clinton, Kamloops, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton, Merritt, Princeton, 100 Mile House, and the
other smaller communities located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola
regional district. Click here to add your
web site to our directory.
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