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Canada's Best Paying Industry: Mining.
Ajax Mining Project |
Ajax Mining Project -
The Ajax project is a proposed, open-pit copper-gold mine located near and
partly within the city limits of Kamloops, British Columbia. |
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BC Ministry of Mines and Energy |
BC Ministry of Mines and
Energy -
The Ministry of Energy and Mines is the catalyst and facilitator for developing
sustainable and competitive energy and mineral resource sectors for British
Columbians. |
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BCgold.com |
BCgold.com -
BC Gold features mining properties for sale: Gold, Silver, Copper, Placer &
other metal or mineral deposits. BCgold.com accepts mining properties for sale
on consignment through our Broker Service. |
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BCPlacerClaims.com |
BCPlacerClaims.com -
BCPlacerClaims.com features Placer gold mining claims for sale throughout the
province of British Columbia, Canada. |
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Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. |
Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. -
Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. (TSX
Venture Symbol: BPM) has re-activated, and is re-developing and expanding the
historic Bralorne Gold mining district. Bralorne Gold Mines is developing the
unexplored gaps between the historic Bralorne, King and Pioneer gold mines near
Lillooet in southwest British Columbia. |
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CAMA - The Canadian Aboriginal
Minerals Association |
CAMA - The Canadian Aboriginal Minerals
Association -
CAMA (the Canadian Aboriginal Minerals Association) is an Aboriginal, non-profit
organization which seeks to increase the understanding of the minerals industry,
Aboriginal mining and Aboriginal communities' paramount interests in lands and
resources. |
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Cariboo Mining Association |
Cariboo Mining
Association -
Established in 1952, the Cariboo Mining Association has stood up for and
supported the mining industry of BC for over 60 years. If you are a Miner in BC,
please join our association. |
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Copper Mountain Mine |
Copper Mountain Mine -
The Copper Mountain Mine is in the Princeton area. The Mine commenced
production in the summer of 2011 and is planned to produce 100 million pounds of
copper per year for the first 12 years. |
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Craigmont Mines JV |
Craigmont Mines JV -
Craigmont Mines recovers magnetite from the mill tailings deposited created
during the earlier copper production operations of Craigmont Mines Ltd. |
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FNWARM - First Nations Women
Advocating Responsible Mining |
FNWARM - First Nations Women
Advocating Responsible Mining -
FNWARM - First Nations Women Advocating Responsible Mining is a coalition of
First Nations women leaders with extensive experience in dealing with mining
issues, and are proponents for responsible & sustainable mining and opponents of
destructive mining practices. |
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Gold And Platinum Explorations helps facilitate the buying and selling of BC
Placer and Mineral claims throughout the province... and thru it's web site GPEX.CA it allows Miners from across Canada and the USA to network, collaborate,
and share mining techniques and information. |
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Greywolf Highbankers |
Highbankers -
Williams Lake,
Greywolf Highbankers custom designs and manufactures High-Bankers and Sluice
Boxes specifically designed to capture BC Placer Gold, including micro fine
Fraser River Gold. |
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Harper Creek Project |
Harper Creek Project -
The Harper Creek copper-gold-silver development project in south-central
British Columbia, offers exceptional potential as one of the largest copper
development projects in Canada. |
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Highland Valley Copper Mine |
Highland Valley Copper Mine -
Logan Lake,
The Highland Valley Copper mine located in south central British Columbia,
Canada, produces copper and molybdenum concentrates. A new life of mine plan has
recently been developed, which has the potential to extended the mine life to
2025. |
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Mineral Titles Online - MTO |
Mineral Titles Online -
Mineral Titles Online (MTO) is the BC Govt. agency that administers the Mineral
and Placer claim registry and title system throughout the province of BC. |
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Mining Association of BC |
Mining Association of BC -
Established in 1901 to represent the interests of BC's mining industry, the
Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) is one of the oldest industry
associations in the province. MABC represents the collective needs and interests
of operating coal, metal and industrial mineral mining companies. |
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New Afton Mine |
New Afton Mine -
New Golds' New Afton copper-gold mine is located approximately only just 10 kilometers
from the city of Kamloops, and is easily accessible by paved road. The mine
includes an open pit, underground workings, historic support facilities, a
concentrator and tailings facility. |
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Pavilion Lime Plant-Mine |
Pavilion Lime Plant-Mine -
The Pavilion Lime Plant-Mine produces a range of lime and limestone products
including high calcium quicklime and screened limestone. Lime is produced in two
rotary preheater kilns with a combined annual production capacity of 235,000
tonnes. |
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RMS-Ross Corporation |
RMS-Ross Corporation -
RMS-Ross Corporation is a designer, manufacturer, distributor and consultant of
commercial level Placer and gravity mining equipment & technologies worldwide,
and is one of the largest manufacturers of Placer mining equipment in Canada. |
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Savona Equipment Ltd |
Savona Equipment Ltd -
Savona Equipment Ltd is your supplier of used mining equipment. Dealing in used
equipment for the mining, aggregate, soil remediation, mineral processing, and
drilling industries. |
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Sona Resources Corp. |
Sona Resources Corp. -
Sona Resources Corp. (TSX
Venture Symbol: SYS) is a junior resource company who's primarily focus is bringing the Blackdome
Gold Mine & Elizabeth Gold Property located in the Lillooet mining district into
full production. |
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This page contains a directory of Mining businesses and
services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or of
interest to the region. For the purposes of this
web site, listings from the following regions can be included in this
directory; Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Chase, Clearwater,
Clinton, Kamloops, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton, Merritt, Princeton, 100 Mile House, and the
other smaller communities located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola
regional district. Click here to add your
web site to our directory.
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