This page contains an online directory of Lawyers and Legal Services businesses and services
located in and around
the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of interest to people in the region.
Add your web site to our directory.
Fulton & Company LLP |
Fulton & Company LLP -
Ashcroft, Clinton, Kamloops, Merritt,
Established in 1885, Fulton & Company LLP is the oldest law firm in the
Province of British Columbia. We are a full service law firm with expertise in a
broad range of areas. |
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Holness Law Group PLC |
Holness Law Group PLC -
Specializing in motor vehicle injury and related losses, we protect the
rights of injury victims and represent only the victim, not ICBC or any
other insurance company. |
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Mair Jensen Blair LLP |
Mair Jensen Blair LLP -
Whether it's in the field of personal injury, family, criminal, commercial,
sports-related law, native law, estate litigation, employment law or other areas
of law we have the right people to resolve any legal matter. We bring broad
experience and insight to social and legal issues throughout the Thompson-Nicola
region. |
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Morelli Cherkow LLP |
Morelli Cherkow LLP -
Ashcroft, Kamloops, Merritt,
Morelli Cherkow LLP has been serving Kamloops and the area since 1911. Our
experienced team of lawyers have the knowledge to help you succeed. Covering all
areas of law, including criminal, family, personal injury, commercial, real
estate and more. |
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This page contains a directory of Lawyers and Legal Services businesses and
services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of
interest to the region. For the purposes of this
web site, listings from the following regions can be included in this
directory; Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Chase, Clearwater,
Clinton, Kamloops, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton, Merritt, Princeton, 100 Mile House, and the
other smaller communities located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola
regional district. Click here to add your
web site to our directory.
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