BC Cowboy Heritage Society |
BC Cowboy Heritage Society -
The BC Cowboy Heritage Society was incorporated on June 5, 1996 with the
objective to promote, encourage, establish, conduct and operate events and
activities relating to the preservation of cowboy heritage in BC while fostering
and developing community interest. |
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Big Bar Ranch |
Big Bar Ranch -
Big Bar Ranch is nestled in the rolling hills of the Cariboo. In the heart of
cattle country, the Ranch is surrounded by majestic mountains and graceful
meadows dotted with wildflowers and lakes. Our horses are matched with our
guests riding ability. Each guest receives instructions for the handling of the
horse, and tack checked and adjusted for comfort and security at the beginning
of each ride. |
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Douglas Lake Ranch |
Douglas Lake Ranch -
Douglas Lake,
Presently the Ranch maintains approximately 300 horses. The Ranch has a staff
of 16-18 cowboys that are responsible for the movement and well being of up to
20,000 head of cattle. All work is done with horses. |
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Dreamscape Ranch |
Dreamscape Ranch -
Dreamscape Ranch provides our guests with a wonderful experience, combining the
charm of a Bed and Breakfast and the hospitality of a Guest Ranch in the rolling
grasslands south of Kamloops in the Thompson Okanagan region of British
Columbia, Canada. |
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Eastwind Stables |
Eastwind Stables -
Eastwind Stables has proven to be a reputable choice amongst horse owners and
horse riding students. The focus is for students to feel good about learning and
achieving their riding goals.... and the boarders to feel their horse is being
well care for. |
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Graham Dunden Ranch |
Graham Dunden Ranch -
70 Mile House,
We offer guided Horse riding tours of approximately 3-4 hours daily/5 days a
week. When it comes to longer tours, we are sometimes 7-8 hours in the saddle.
We go in small groups which ensures more attention to each of our guests. |
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Horse Barn |
Horse Barn -
The Horse Barn has everything for you and your horse - both Western and
English!. A complete line of Western Wear. Tack and Saddles for both English and
Western. Our upper floor is home to a huge Western Art Gallery. |
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Jandana Ranch |
Jandana Ranch -
Pinantan Lake,
Jandana Ranch is a family owned horse ranch nestled in the mountains 30 minutes
northeast of Kamloops at beautiful Pinantan Lake. We pride ourselves in offering
an affordable, peaceful holiday for individuals, couples and families. Our 500
acre facility overlooks beautiful Pinantan and the vistas beyond. |
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Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo |
Nicola Valley Pro
Rodeo -
Join us in Merritt each Labour Day Weekend when the town transforms into the a
wild western adventure. You can stroll the outdoor street market, visit the
Farmer's Market, explore the unique shops, enjoy a parade, eat your fill of
pancakes each mornin', take a step back in time at the Fall Fair and enjoy the
spills and thrills of the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo. |
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North Thompson Fall Fair and
Rodeo |
North Thompson Fall Fair
and Rodeo -
The North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo is a celebration of agriculture,
livestock, western country living and community spirit. |
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Saddle-Maker.com |
Saddle-Maker.com -
Don Loewen’s saddles are well known for their comfort, durability and ability
to stay positioned through out a full day’s ride. Don works closely with Bowden
Brand Saddle trees. |
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Stone Hill Farm |
Stone Hill Farm -
Through the use of top bloodlines, our breeding program produces horses for
Olympic disciplines with special attention placed on temperment and rideability.
All our horses are raised in an ideal setting on 65 acres of pasture land just
outside of Kamloops, in the small ranching community of Knutsford. |
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Sundance Guest Ranch |
Sundance Guest Ranch -
Whether you're looking for a horseback riding holiday, a family vacation where
even the kids will have fun, or some place new where you can really get away
from it all, you've find it at Sundance Guest Ranch. |
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Thoroughbred Directory |
Directory -
The British Columbia Thoroughbred Directory web site, in conjunction with the
printed directory, is a unique tool for finding phone numbers, web sites,
addresses, dates, deadlines, statistics, historical facts, leader boards,
advertisements and other information on the Thoroughbred breeding and racing
community. |
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Trophy Mountain Buffalo Ranch |
Trophy Mountain Buffalo
Ranch -
Trophy Mountain Buffalo Ranch is located 20 kilometers north of Clearwater,
British Columbia. The ranch is surrounded by beautiful Wells Gray Provincial
Park. Enjoy a scenic horseback adventure... our 3 hour trips takes you by a
fabulous view of the Clearwater River and then down to Moul Creek. |
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7 Half Diamond Ranch |
7 Half Diamond Ranch -
Enjoy picturesque trail rides in the forest or around the lake, there is also
great opportunity for bird watching due to the ranch working in conjunction with
ducks unlimited to enhance our wetland habitat reserves. |
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This page contains a directory of Horse businesses and
services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of
interest to the region. For the purposes of this
web site, listings from the following regions can be included in this
directory; Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Chase, Clearwater,
Clinton, Kamloops, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton, Merritt, Princeton, 100 Mile House, and the
other smaller communities located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola
regional district. Click here to add your
web site to our directory.
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