This page contains an online directory of Bicycle and Bikes businesses and services
located in and around
the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of interest to people in the region.
See also these related directory pages;
Motorcycles ... or see
our full web site directory.
Add your web site to our directory.
British Columbia Cycling
Coalition |
British Columbia Cycling
Coalition -
The purpose of the BCCC is to represent the interests of cyclists
provincially and to secure their recognition in policy and programs
affecting transportational cycling. |
Top of Page
Cycling BC's Trans Canada Trail |
Cycling BC's Trans Canada Trail -
Here you'll find information and maps to guide you through some of the
province's most stunning landscapes as you explore BC's Trans Canada Trail. |
Top of Page
Kamloops BMX |
Kamloops BMX -
McArthur Island BMX race track is located on McArthur Island in Kamloops, and
is open to all interested in BMX. |
Top of Page
This page contains a directory of Bicycle and Bike businesses and
services located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola region, or those of
interest to the region. For the purposes of this
web site, listings from the following regions can be included in this
directory; Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Chase, Clearwater,
Clinton, Kamloops, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton, Merritt, Princeton, 100 Mile House, and the
other smaller communities located in and around the Greater Thompson-Nicola
regional district. Click here to add your
web site to our directory.
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